Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to............

Joshua! He is 3 years old today!! Man does time fly right by! His favorite color is green. He loves trains. He always wants to pray when we have devotions or bless he food. He is a very busy boy. Now, when I say boy.. I mean all boy, total boy. He carries around bugs. He will put them down to use the bathroom and that is about the only time he will.
I took this picture Sunday at Church during his Sunday School class. I just love this guy. He has ran around all day today singing ..... Hapgy bifday to you, hapgy birfday make me cake... It is so cute. While I am teaching at the Academy he is over at a very dear friends house and they made a train cake together today. He had the best time. We are thinking of having a party maybe in a week or two.. Who knows. I know one thing though.. I love my little Joshua.

Joshua 6:27a "So the Lord was with Joshua..."


RyGuy said...

What a blessing my boy is to me. I thank God for him. I get such a kick out of the things he will do.

Corby Johnson said...

Happy Birthday to Joshua! He is the best 'Little Man' ever. I love him more than the air I breath and he keeps his grandpa's heart beating just right. What more can we ask for other than God please bless our Joshua, help him be the best boy he can be, be loving and caring to all. Amen.

Hugs and Kisses,
Love Joshua Always,

Grandma and Grandpa