Thursday, November 20, 2008

Little Sickies

Let me start from the beginning. The night before last Joshua woke up every 45 minutes crying.. Josiah just cried and whined almost the entire night. Stuffed noses and a cough.. I knew they were sick and I did not want another night like that again. I called and made them an appointment..Oh, you know how it is.. You take your kids to the doctor and they act like they are better. (note the picture) Sure enough, STREP THROAT! I had the doctor give them a shot to get it over with quick. Now, I am starting to get a sore throat and a headache.. Jurney has the same symptoms.. We will see the doctor tomorrow at 10! I will be glad to get this over with before Thanksgiving.
Matthew 9:12 "But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick."


RyGuy said...

You cannot rely on how those kids act when you know they are sick!

Anonymous said...

UG!!! i feel your pain, sick kids are not fun!!!

good luck!

Corby Johnson said...

I love my little sickies. They are sure happy and cute when you take pictures and give them goodies. One would not know how they must of cried for their shots. I am glad that they are doing better now.

Love always,

Grandma and Grandpa