Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 2!

This is day 2 for Joshua. He had his 6Th eye surgery, yesterday at the Moran Eye Center is SLC. His surgeon was Dr. Patel. I would tell you his first name, but I do not even know how to pronounce it! ;)
The surgery lasted for maybe and hour.. It seemed like way longer, but that was just me being a mom!
Joshua had a very hard time the first 24 hours.. He would not open his eyes at all. This concerned me because he only had the left eye done this time.
But Praise Be to GOD! He woke up this morning and about an hour or so into the morning he wanted to eat and watch a movie.. So we told him that he would have to open his eye first! Here's hat he looks like today. He looks very good.
We have to keep him down for the first week to make sure he does not over do it.. I thought... do they know that they are talking about MR. JOSHUA who learned how to run not walk?? Thank you to all who have prayed on his behalf.. God is good and does answer prayers!
Philemon 1:4 "I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers,"


Corby Johnson said...

Dear Shelley and Family,
I am so very thankful for all that God has done for our family. We definitly have many blessings to be extremely thankful for. I am happy to see Joshua doing and looking as well as he is. I expected it to of been a little more scarier than it has been. Of course, I was not there for the whole ordeal, so maybe you have a different perspective than I. Praise God for all his wonder.

Love Each and Everyone of You,

Mom & Dad/Grandma & Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelley! His eye looks great! Good for him :)